

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

rest in peace

i'm in serious need of rest.
my schedule is jammed with unavoidable stuffs to do.
on weekdays, i wakes up super early to go to my office
and work until 6pm. then there will be traffic jam,
so I will be home safe and sound almost 7pm.
just enough for a quick shower before my next activity.
It is either tactical training, fitness training, friendly game
or the ongoing league. Then, i eat late dinner.
sometimes it ends at 12pm. I got home with almost no energy left.
A quick shower, some tv and then zzz.
tomorrow, it will start all over again.
i never regret my life. but, i still need some sort of holiday.
all work and no play will make me a dull person.
sometimes, i just crave a few hours of playing games,
to release my stress. i wanna play plant vs zombies2 game.
the best ever! or the latest sims.
everybody need to rest their mind from any negative things that
might surrounds their life. for example:
from people who steal your money.
from people who secretly hitting on your sister behind ur back.
from people who "pretends" to be married, yet desperately trying to find
an affair, and fail..
from people who are just dying to know every little bits
of details about your life,
just to know your weaknesses anf fell good bout it.
from people who are just jealous. period.
everybody need a break from this sorts of negativity.
live life positively
with a great heart.
spread goodness to the world.
our earth is not gonna last that long.
enjoy it and appreciate it while we can.

i heart earth

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