time puasa macam ni, being away from my fam really makes me sad. here i am in the office, listening to mellow raya songs all day. i miss my family so damn much. i want to break fast with them, sahur together, terawikh. shopping.. i only met them for 2 days this month. sedihnya. really feels like crying. :(
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Check Result ACCA June 2011 here
Exam results
Online exam results, status reports and details of passed exam finalists are available to view online now.View your June 2011 exam results
Friday, August 19, 2011
Shoes from Kardashian Kollection!!
OMG. I gotta have this leoard print heels. But it is SOLD OUT now! T.T

shoes to die for..
Monday, August 15, 2011
Cara mengekalkan almari baju kemas
Wah.. skema.. How to maintain an organized closet.. ok. that's more like it..
untuk almari yang memang dah kemas, bila korang rushing pagi2 nak gi kerja, mesti baju2 jadi bersepah..
so tipsnya adalah, setiap Ahad, dalam masa setengah jam atau sejam, pilih pakaian untuk pergi kerja/kuliah. 5 set lah, untuk 5 hari. letakkan pada hanger n asingkan dari baju2 lain. bubuh sekali accessories and shoes for each clothes.. so, bila bangun pagi, tak perlu selongkar almari cari skirt nak match la, stokin dll.. just pilih je dari 5 set tu..this works wonders for me.. :)
untuk almari yang memang dah kemas, bila korang rushing pagi2 nak gi kerja, mesti baju2 jadi bersepah..
so tipsnya adalah, setiap Ahad, dalam masa setengah jam atau sejam, pilih pakaian untuk pergi kerja/kuliah. 5 set lah, untuk 5 hari. letakkan pada hanger n asingkan dari baju2 lain. bubuh sekali accessories and shoes for each clothes.. so, bila bangun pagi, tak perlu selongkar almari cari skirt nak match la, stokin dll.. just pilih je dari 5 set tu..this works wonders for me.. :)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
bulan puasa: naik atau turun berat?
starting puasa, i was 50kg.. now at day 14, im still 50kg.. there's no change for me.. yet.. i was hoping i will loose a kilo or so.. its been few weeks i've not run.. selasa im planning to run.. hopefully xda aral..
selamat berpuasa all.. sila timbang berat and find out bertambah or berkrang berat di bulan puasa :)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Cara hilangkan mengantuk di siang hari bulan puasa -Part 1
bulan puasa tak boleh minum nescafe or coffee.. so how to stay awake? caranya:
1. tidur awal.. jangan stay up late, sebab nanti nak bangun awal untuk sahur kan? create suasana yang selesa untuk tidur.. elakkan gangguan bising, so jangan tidur depan tv.. tidur dalam bilik, tutup lampu, if pasang lampu tidur pun, pakai penutup mata supaya dpt tidur berkualiti..
2. minum nescafe masa sahur.. for me, i minum 2 cup terus.. hehee..
3. short nap masa tengahari.. tidur 20min camtu, then pastu akan rasa better.. lunch hour kan dah
tak digunakan untuk makan.. so boleh guna untuk tidur kejap.. jangan lupa pasang alarm, nanti lambat masuk office pulak..
4. basuh muka.. splash muka dengan air sejuk.. buat banyak kali pun takpe, tak batal puasa..
jangan nganga pulak masa nak splash air ke muka tu.. ;)
5. every few hours, bangun and jalan2 sikit.. kalau duduk je lama2 nanti jadi sleepy.. bangun and stretch badan sket2.. pandang luar, tengok pokok.. then sambung la buat kerja..
ok. selamat mencuba.. akan sambung dengan part 2.. selamat berpuasa semua..
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Niat berpuasa
Niat puasa:
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ஜ۩ஜ۩ஜ۩▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Happy Ramadhan~~
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ஜ۩ஜ۩ஜ۩▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
نَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ غَدٍ عَنْ أَدَاءِ فَرْضِ رَمَضَانَ هَذِهِ السَّنَةِ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى
~~ Sahaja aku puasa esok hari pada bulan Ramadhan tahun ini kerana
Allah Taala~~
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ஜ۩ஜ۩ஜ۩ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Happy Ramadhan~~
Thursday, July 28, 2011
result malaysia vs singapore 2011
Keputusan :
Malaysia 1- Singapore 1
58′ [1 - 0] Safee Sali (Malaysia)
72′ [1 - 1] S. Jiayi (Singapore)
72′ [1 - 1] S. Jiayi (Singapore)
Sadly, Malaysia cant continue in the hope of qualifying to WORLD CUP..
The team which i do not call, must pack your back and return home immediately..
And, the team im gonna call is.... Singapore.. (ayat tyra banks dlm america's next top model)
T.T nak malaysia menang.. beria gi stadium smalam, siap cat2 muka...
huhu... xpe ye Muslim, nanti cuba lagi :)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
malaysia vs singapore!!
today is gonna be historical.. i want malaysia to win, obviously..
tak sabar nak tunggu malam... go harimau malaya!!! aummmmm.. hehee
tak sabar nak tunggu malam... go harimau malaya!!! aummmmm.. hehee
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
kerja bertimbun = happiness?
Oh yes, its true.. usually people will sigh when they get task after task after task.. but here, its heavennnn..
imagine sitting on your desk doing nothing. awful!now i have lotsa accounts to complete, i have reports to update..
i feel alive! haha.. weird. but im totally thankful for all these..
i can learn stuff, while avoiding me from being bored..
its almost 5 now.. i like my job. i get this big table, bigger than my colleagues AND supervisor. dont know why.. and u wont get scolded or anything.. on fridays, there'll be free buffet in the office.. everything is find. the only tweak is that i have to be back late.. not in time to do my evening run. :(
time puasa boleh la. cuz puasa balik awal kan? tapi larat ke nak
lari bila puasa?
will i be like this? oh no.. hopefully not. penat gila nampak..
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The IKEA Sale is back
The IKEA Sale is back!!
THE IKEA Sale is back with lower prices storewide to make way for new arrivals. So hurry on over to the IKEA store to take advantage of their great offers.
Sale ends 24 July 2011. Hurry u guys!!

MARTORP champagne glass
Glass. 17cl.
Clear glass.
(NP: RM4.50)
Glass. 17cl.
Clear glass.

VAKEN glass
SAN plastic. 25cl.
Assorted colours.
(NP: RM15/4pcs)
SAN plastic. 25cl.
Assorted colours.
That's all I wanna post, banyak lagi barang sale.. go to ikea now.. hehe
browse through www.ikea.com.my for ideas.. then baru pergi.. :)
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wonderful day
Today masuk keje as usual.. jalan x jem pun. amat menghappykan..
keje pun xbyak.. lunch time pegi shopping selendang.. dapat discount *happy*
then balik ofc, officemate blanja kfc pulak *happy*
makan 2 pieces of chicken *happy*
yela tu.. malam kang setengah nyawa lari cuz nak burn the calories.. *mini sigh*
buat keje smbil minum hot nescafe *happy*
its almost time to go home *super duper happy*
im thankful for being me.. even though there are times that are tough,
and i just wanna be anyone else but me..:p
but i do like being me..*vain*
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Im not abandoning you
Im so sorry my lil dear blog..
im not gonna abandon u ok..
i just dont have the reliable
internet connection that i want
a.k.a unify..
i'll try to update when i can..
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Check ACCA Exam Result December 2010
If you guys went to acca global, and u cant check your result, here's the alternatives..
best of luck to all of you from me.. especially to suky.. haha
those in malaysia.. u can check at 2pm kot..
best of luck to all of you from me.. especially to suky.. haha
those in malaysia.. u can check at 2pm kot..
ridiculously long entry
the previous entry is ridiculously long. i knoe.
tapi kalau u gila for shopaholic's series, ini memang pendek..
haha.. i belum beli this one..
got no time to read, sebab february is a very busy month..
dengan common test and all..
must focus cuz i nak dapat 4.00...
i think im gonna buy it in march..
march akan ada banyak game larian.. i loike!
hopefully can make money.. cuz then ican spend it in sabah..
ok. so this one is ridiculously short entry. bye
tapi kalau u gila for shopaholic's series, ini memang pendek..
haha.. i belum beli this one..
got no time to read, sebab february is a very busy month..
dengan common test and all..
must focus cuz i nak dapat 4.00...
i think im gonna buy it in march..
march akan ada banyak game larian.. i loike!
hopefully can make money.. cuz then ican spend it in sabah..
ok. so this one is ridiculously short entry. bye
Extract from 'Mini Shopaholic" Book by Sophie Kinsella
OK. Don’t panic. I’m in charge. I, Rebecca Brandon (née Bloomwood), am the adult. Not my two-year-old daughter.
Only I’m not sure she realizes this.
‘Minnie, darling, give me the pony.’ I try to sound calm and assured, like Nanny Sue off the telly.
‘Poneeee.’ Minnie grips the toy pony more tightly.
‘No pony.’
‘Mine!’ she cries hysterically. ‘Miiiine poneee!’
Aargh. I’m holding about a million shopping bags, my face is sweating, and I could really do without this.
It was all going so well. I’ve been round the whole shopping mall and bought all the last little things on my Christmas list. Minnie and I were heading towards Santa’s Grotto, and I only stopped for a moment to look at a dolls’ house. Whereupon Minnie grabbed a toy pony off the display and refused to put it back. And now I’m in the middle of Pony-gate.
A mother in J Brand skinny jeans with an impeccably dressed daughter walks past, giving me the Mummy Once-over, and I flinch. Since I had Minnie, I’ve learned that the Mummy Once-over is even more savage than the Manhattan Once-over. In the Mummy Once-over, they don’t just assess and price your clothes to the nearest penny in one sweeping glance. Oh no. They also take in your child’s clothes, pram brand, nappy bag, snack choice and whether your child is smiling, snotty or screaming.
Which I know is a lot to take in, in a one-second glance, but believe me, mothers are multi-taskers.
Minnie definitely scores top marks for her outfit. (Dress: one-off Danny Kovitz; coat: Rachel Riley; shoes: Baby Dior.) And I’ve got her safely strapped into her toddler reins (Bill Amberg leather, really cool, they were in Vogue). But instead of smiling angelically like the little girl in the photoshoot, she’s straining against them like a bull waiting to dash into the ring. Her eyebrows are knitted in fury, her cheeks are bright pink and she’s drawing breath to shriek again.
‘Minnie.’ I let go of the reins and put my arms round her so that she feels safe and secure, just like Nanny Sue recommends in her book, Taming Your Tricky Toddler. I bought it the other day, to have a flick through. Just out of idle interest. I mean, it’s not that I’m having problems with Minnie or anything. It’s not that she’s difficult. Or ‘out of control and wilful’, like that stupid teacher at the toddler music group said. (What does she know? She can’t even play the triangle properly.)
The thing about Minnie is, she’s . . . spirited. She has firm opinions about things. Like jeans (she won’t wear them), or carrots (she won’t eat them). And right now her firm opinion is that she should have a toy pony.
‘Minnie darling, I love you very much,’ I say in a gentle, crooning voice, ‘and it would make me very happy if you gave me the pony. That’s right, give it to Mummy . . .’ I’ve nearly done it. My fingers are closing around the pony’s head . . .
Ha. Skills. I’ve got it. I can’t help looking around to see if anyone’s observed my expert parenting.
‘Miiiine!’ Minnie wrenches the pony out of my arms and makes a run for it across the shop floor. Shit.
‘Minnie! MINNIE!’ I yell.
I grab my carrier bags and leg it furiously after Minnie, who has already disappeared into the Action Man section. God, I don’t know why we bother training up all these athletes for the Olympics. We should just field a team of toddlers.
As I catch up with her, I’m panting. I really have to start my post-natal exercises sometime.
‘Give me the pony!’ I try to take it, but she’s gripping it like a limpet.
‘Mine poneee!’ Her dark eyes flash at me with a resolute glint. Sometimes I look at Minnie and she’s so like her father it gives me a jolt.
Speaking of which, where is Luke? We were supposed to be doing Christmas shopping together. As a family. But he dis appeared an hour ago, muttering something about a call he had to make, and I haven’t seen him since. He’s probably sitting somewhere having a civilized cappuccino over the newspaper. Typical.
‘Minnie, we’re not buying it,’ I say in my best firm manner. ‘You’ve got lots of toys already and you don’t need a pony.’
A woman with straggly dark hair, grey eyes and toddlers in a twin-buggy shoots me an approving nod. I can’t help giving her the Mummy Once-over myself, and she’s one of those mothers who wears Crocs over nubbly home-made socks. (Why would you do that? Why?)
‘It’s monstrous, isn’t it?’ she says. ‘Those ponies are forty pounds! My kids know better than to even ask,’ she adds, shooting a glance at her two boys, who are slumped silently, thumbs in mouths. ‘Once you give in to them, that’s the beginning of the end. I’ve got mine well trained.’
Show off.
‘Absolutely,’ I say in dignified tones. ‘I couldn’t agree more.’
‘Some parents would just buy their kid that pony for a quiet life. No discipline. It’s disgusting.’
‘Terrible,’ I agree, and make a surreptitious swipe for the pony, which Minnie adeptly dodges. Damn.
‘The biggest mistake is giving in to them.’ The woman is regarding Minnie with a pebble-like gaze. ‘That’s what starts the rot.’
‘Well, I never give in to my daughter,’ I say briskly. ‘You’re not getting the pony, Minnie, and that’s final.’
‘Poneeee!’ Minnie’s wails turn to heart-rending sobs. She is such a drama queen. (She gets it from my mum.)
‘Good luck, then.’ The woman moves off. ‘Happy Christmas.’
‘Minnie, stop it!’ I hiss furiously as soon as she’s dis appeared. ‘You’re embarrassing both of us! What do you want a stupid pony for, anyway?’
‘Poneeee!’ She’s cuddling the pony to her as though it’s her long-lost faithful pet that was sold at market five hundred miles away and has just stumbled back to the farm, footsore and whickering for her.
‘It’s just a silly toy,’ I say impatiently. ‘What’s so special about it, anyway?’
And for the first time I look properly at the pony.
Wow. Actually . . . it is pretty fab. It’s made of painted white wood with little glittery stars all over, and has the sweetest hand-painted face. And it has little red trundly wheels.
‘You really don’t need a pony, Minnie,’ I say – but with slightly less conviction than before. I’ve just noticed the saddle. Is that genuine leather? And it has a proper bridle with buckles and the mane is made of real horse hair. And it comes with a grooming set!
For forty quid this isn’t bad value at all. I push one of the little red wheels, and it spins round perfectly. And now I think about it, Minnie doesn’t actually have a toy pony. It’s quite an obvious gap in her toy cupboard.
I mean, not that I’m going to give in.
‘It winds up, too,’ comes a voice behind me, and I turn to see an elderly sales assistant approaching us. ‘There’s a key in the base. Look!’
She winds the key, and both Minnie and I watch, mesmerized, as the pony starts rising and falling in a carousel motion, while tinkly music plays.
Oh my God, I love this pony.
‘It’s on special Christmas offer at forty pounds,’ the assistant adds. ‘Normally, this would retail for seventy. They’re hand-made in Sweden.’
Nearly 50 per cent off. I knew it was good value. Didn’t I say it was good value?
‘You like it, don’t you, dear?’ The assistant smiles at Minnie, who beams back, her stroppiness vanished. In fact, I don’t want to boast, but she looks pretty adorable with her red coat and dark pigtails and dimpled cheeks. ‘So, would you like to buy one?’
‘I . . . um . . .’ I clear my throat.
Come on, Becky. Say no. Be a good parent. Walk away.
My hand steals out and strokes the mane again.
But it’s so gorgeous. Look at its dear little face. And a pony isn’t like some stupid craze, is it? You’d never get tired of a pony. It’s a classic. It’s, like, the Chanel jacket of toys.
And it’s Christmas. And it’s on special offer. And who knows, Minnie might turn out to have a gift for riding, it suddenly occurs to me. A toy pony might be just the spur she needs. I have a sudden vision of her aged twenty, wearing a red jacket, standing by a gorgeous horse at the Olympics, saying to the TV cameras, ‘It all began one Christmas, when I received the gift that changed my life . . .’
My mind is going round and round like a computer processing DNA results, trying to find a match. There has to be a way in which I can simultaneously: 1. Not give in to Minnie’s tantrum, 2. Be a good parent and 3. Buy the pony. I need some clever blue-sky solution like Luke is always paying business consultants scads of money to come up with . . .
And then the answer comes to me. A totally genius idea which I can’t believe I’ve never had before. I haul out my phone and text Luke:
Luke! Have just had a really good thought. I think Minnie should get pocket money.
Immediately a reply pings back: Wtf? Why?So she can buy things, of course! I start to type – then think again. I delete the text and carefully type instead:
Children need to learn about finance from early age. Read it in article. Empowers them and gives responsibility.
A moment later Luke texts: Can’t we just buy her the FT? Shut up, I type. We’ll say two pounds a week shall we?
R u mad? comes zipping back. 10p a week is plenty.
I stare at the phone indignantly. 10p? He’s such an old skinflint. What’s she supposed to buy with that?
And we’ll never afford the pony on 10p a week.
50p a week, I type firmly, is national average. (He’ll never check.) Where r u anyway? Nearly time for Father Christmas!!
OK, whatever. I’ll be there, comes the reply.
Result! As I put away my phone, I’m doing a quick mental calculation. 50p a week for two years makes A352. Easily enough. God, why on earth have I never thought of pocket money before? It’s perfect! It’s going to add a whole new dimension to our shopping trips.
I turn to Minnie, feeling rather proud of myself.
‘Now listen, darling,’ I announce. ‘I’m not going to buy this pony for you, because I’ve already said no. But as a special treat, you can buy it for yourself out of your own pocket money. Isn’t that exciting?’
Minnie eyes me uncertainly. I’ll take that as a yes.
‘As you’ve never spent any of your pocket money, you’ve got two years’ worth, which is plenty. You see how great saving is?’ I add brightly. ‘You see how fun it is?’
As we walk to the check-out I feel totally smug. Talk about responsible parenting. I’m introducing my child to the principles of financial planning at an early age. I could be a guru on TV myself! Super Becky’s Guide to Fiscally Responsible Parenting. I could wear different boots in each episode—
I’m jolted out of my daydream to see that Minnie has dropped the pony and is now clutching a pink plastic monstrosity. Where did she get that? It’s Winnie’s Wagon, from that cartoon show.
‘Wagon?’ She raises her eyes hopefully.
‘We’re not getting the wagon, darling,’ I say patiently. ‘You wanted the pony. The lovely pony, remember?’
Minnie surveys the pony with total indifference. ‘Wagon.’
‘Pony!’ I grab the pony off the floor.
This is so frustrating. How can she be so fickle? She definitely gets that trait from Mum.
‘Pony!’ I cry, more loudly than I meant to, and brandish the pony at her. ‘I want the poneee—’
Suddenly I get a prickly-neck feeling. I look round to see the woman with toddler boys, standing a few yards away, staring at me with her pebble-like eyes.
‘I mean . . .’ I hastily lower the pony, my cheeks burning. ‘Yes, you may buy the pony out of your pocket money. Basic financial planning,’ I add briskly to the pebble-eyed woman. ‘What we learned today is that you have to save up before you can buy things, didn’t we, darling? Minnie’s spent all her pocket money on the pony, and it was a very good choice . . .’
‘I’ve found the other pony!’ The assistant suddenly appears again, breathless and carrying a dusty box. ‘I knew we had one left in the stock room. They were originally a pair, you see . . .’
There’s another pony?
I can’t help gasping as she draws it out. It’s midnight blue with a raven mane, speckled with stars, and with golden wheels. It’s absolutely stunning. It complements the other one perfectly. Oh God, we have to have them both. We have to.
Rather annoyingly, the pebble-eyed woman is still standing there with her buggy, watching us.
‘Shame you’ve spent all your pocket money, isn’t it?’ she says to Minnie with one of those tight, unfriendly smiles which proves she never has any fun or sex. You can always tell that about people, I find.
‘Yes, isn’t it?’ I say politely. ‘That’s a problem. So we’ll just have to think of a solution.’ I think hard for a moment, then turn to Minnie.
‘Darling, here’s your second important lesson in financial planning. Sometimes, when we see an amazing, one-off bargain, we can make an exception to the saving-up rule. It’s called “Seizing the Opportunity”.’
‘You’re just going to buy it?’ says the woman in tones of disbelief.
What business is it of hers? God, I hate other mothers. They always have to butt in. The minute you have a child it’s as if you’ve turned into a box on an internet site, saying ‘Please add all your rude and offensive comments here.’
‘Of course I’m not going to buy it,’ I say, a little stonily. ‘She’ll have to get it out of her own pocket money. Darling,’ I crouch down to get Minnie’s attention, ‘if you pay for the other pony out of your pocket money at 50p a week, it’ll take about . . . sixty weeks. You’ll have to have an advance. Like an “overdraft”.’ I enunciate clearly. ‘So you’ll basically have spent all your pocket money till you’re three and a half. All right?’
Minnie looks a bit bewildered. But then, I expect I looked a bit bewildered when I took out my first overdraft. It goes with the territory.
‘All sorted.’ I beam at the assistant and hand over my Visa card. ‘We’ll take both ponies, thank you. You see, darling?’ I add to Minnie. ‘The lesson we’ve learned today is: never give up on something you really want. However impossible things seem, there’s always a way.’
I can’t help feeling proud of myself, imparting this nugget of wisdom. That’s what parenting’s all about. Teaching your child the ways of the world.
‘You know, I once found the most amazing opportunity,’ I add as I punch in my PIN. ‘It was a pair of Dolce & Gabbana boots at 90 per cent off! Only my credit card was up to my limit. But did I give up? No! Of course I didn’t!’
Minnie is listening as avidly as though I’m recounting The Three Bears.
‘I went round my flat, and searched in all my pockets and bags, and I collected up all my little coins . . . and guess what?’ I pause for effect. ‘I had enough money! I could get the boots! Hooray!’
Minnie claps her hands, and to my delight, the toddler boys start cheering raucously.
‘Do you want to hear another story?’ I beam at them. ‘Do you want to hear about the sample sale in Milan? I was walking along the street one day, when I saw this mysterious sign.’ I open my eyes wide. ‘And what do you think it said?’
‘Ridiculous.’ The pebble-eyed woman turns her buggy with an abrupt gesture. ‘Come on, it’s time to go home.’
‘Story!’ wails one of the boys.
‘We’re not hearing the story,’ she snaps. ‘You’re insane,’ she adds over her shoulder as she strides off. ‘No wonder your child’s so spoiled. What are those little shoes of hers then, Gucci?’
Blood zings to my face and I stare at her in speechless shock. Where did that come from? Minnie is not spoiled!
And Gucci don’t even make shoes like that.
‘She’s not spoiled!’ I manage at last.
But the woman has already disappeared behind the Postman Pat display. Well, I’m certainly not going to run after her and yell, ‘At least my child doesn’t just loll in her buggy sucking her thumb all day, and by the way, have you ever thought about wiping your children’s noses?’
Because that wouldn’t be a good example to Minnie.
‘Come on, Minnie.’ I try to compose myself. ‘Let’s go and see Father Christmas. Then we’ll feel better.’
Friday, February 18, 2011
dalam kelas boleh makan ke tak sebenarnya?
saya suka makan.. lebih dari semua orang..
makan sangat la best.. tambah2 kalau yang unhealthy tu..
asal x baik je, sedapppp....
asal baik je, x sedapp...
tah pape tah.. camne nak makan makanan sihat??
tapi ada la yang sihat n sedap at the same time..
now nak cakap tentang jajan... (haha jajan)
maksudnya junk food kot...
boleh tak nak makan dalam kelas?
tapi yang tak bunyi krup krap krup krap laa...
ke boleh consider rude...
tapi lapar.. then how..
boleh ke tak boleh...
makan sangat la best.. tambah2 kalau yang unhealthy tu..
asal x baik je, sedapppp....
asal baik je, x sedapp...
tah pape tah.. camne nak makan makanan sihat??
tapi ada la yang sihat n sedap at the same time..
now nak cakap tentang jajan... (haha jajan)
maksudnya junk food kot...
boleh tak nak makan dalam kelas?
tapi yang tak bunyi krup krap krup krap laa...
ke boleh consider rude...
tapi lapar.. then how..
boleh ke tak boleh...
Thursday, February 17, 2011
cara mudah bangun pagi
1) tidur awal (obviously)
bila tidur awal, nak bangun awal pun senang..
sebab dah cukup masa tidur.. untuk kita2 remaja ni (eheh),
around 6 hours cukup kot.. and short nap at noon..
noon ye, bukan petang tau.. nanti ulang 40x and jadi gila
kalau tidur petang, orang cakap laa..
2) kurangkan semua perkara yang boleh buat anda terjaga
sebagai contoh, telefon bimbit (wahhh) yang pasang bunyi paling kuat,
walaupun dia tulis 'loud tones may damage your hearing'.
memang degil, cakap jangan lagi nak buat.. ehh macam cakap ngan diri sendiri..
haha.. and jangan pasang lampu kalimantang (wahhh again), cerah senang terjaga..
and pesan kat kawan2, dah pukul 12pm, korang jangan ketuk pintu macam orang gila ye..
tq very much.. bila tak terjaga, tido berkualiti, senang la nak bangun kan? kan?
3) kunci jam pada waktu yang sesuai..
kalau nak bangun kul 6, jangan gatal2 kunci pukul 4..
dalam hati cakap 'kalau kunci kul 4 boleh tekan snooze banyak kali,
rasa macam best sket' cess... kunci la pada time yang betul, macam 5.45..
then if u rasa, dang belum cukup.. nap lagi 15minit n bangun. betul2 punya bangun!
4) jam loceng sila letak jauh dari jangkauan..
contohnya atas meja and kena bangun dari katil untuk tutup..
bukan jauh di bilik sebelah..
memang tak bangun la jawabnya.. bila letak jauh,
nak tak nak terpaksa bangun dari katil nak tekan snooze ke ape..
alang2 dah berdiri tu, terusla capai tuala and menuju ke bathroom..
kan senang..
5) cepatkan jam dengan jumlah yang pelik..
contohnya 8 minit atau 13minit.. selalunya kita buat 10 minit kan,
jadi tanpa bersusah payah, time mamai mamai pun boleh tolak balik
ke waktu asal.. huh.. baik takyah cepatkan jam..
so, solution dia, cepatkan 8 minit ke ape, mesti struggle nak tolak balik..
jadi, terus percaya waktu yang tertera, terkejut takut lambat,
and terus berlari ke bathroom..
bila tidur awal, nak bangun awal pun senang..
sebab dah cukup masa tidur.. untuk kita2 remaja ni (eheh),
around 6 hours cukup kot.. and short nap at noon..
noon ye, bukan petang tau.. nanti ulang 40x and jadi gila
kalau tidur petang, orang cakap laa..
2) kurangkan semua perkara yang boleh buat anda terjaga
sebagai contoh, telefon bimbit (wahhh) yang pasang bunyi paling kuat,
walaupun dia tulis 'loud tones may damage your hearing'.
memang degil, cakap jangan lagi nak buat.. ehh macam cakap ngan diri sendiri..
haha.. and jangan pasang lampu kalimantang (wahhh again), cerah senang terjaga..
and pesan kat kawan2, dah pukul 12pm, korang jangan ketuk pintu macam orang gila ye..
tq very much.. bila tak terjaga, tido berkualiti, senang la nak bangun kan? kan?
3) kunci jam pada waktu yang sesuai..
kalau nak bangun kul 6, jangan gatal2 kunci pukul 4..
dalam hati cakap 'kalau kunci kul 4 boleh tekan snooze banyak kali,
rasa macam best sket' cess... kunci la pada time yang betul, macam 5.45..
then if u rasa, dang belum cukup.. nap lagi 15minit n bangun. betul2 punya bangun!
4) jam loceng sila letak jauh dari jangkauan..
contohnya atas meja and kena bangun dari katil untuk tutup..
bukan jauh di bilik sebelah..
memang tak bangun la jawabnya.. bila letak jauh,
nak tak nak terpaksa bangun dari katil nak tekan snooze ke ape..
alang2 dah berdiri tu, terusla capai tuala and menuju ke bathroom..
kan senang..
5) cepatkan jam dengan jumlah yang pelik..
contohnya 8 minit atau 13minit.. selalunya kita buat 10 minit kan,
jadi tanpa bersusah payah, time mamai mamai pun boleh tolak balik
ke waktu asal.. huh.. baik takyah cepatkan jam..
so, solution dia, cepatkan 8 minit ke ape, mesti struggle nak tolak balik..
jadi, terus percaya waktu yang tertera, terkejut takut lambat,
and terus berlari ke bathroom..
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
hilary duff's new book, ELIXIR

She wrotes the book herself! *impressed*
The description of Elixir from Amazon:
“Clea Raymond has felt the glare of the spotlight her entire life. The daughter of a renowned surgeon and a prominent Washington DC politician, she has grown to be a talented photojournalist who takes refuge in a career that allows her to travel to the most exotic parts of the world. But after Clea’s father disappears while on a humanitarian mission, Clea’s photos begin to feature eerie, shadowy images of a strange and beautiful man—a man she has never seen before.
When fate brings Clea and this man together, she is stunned by the immediate and powerful connection she feels with him. As they grow closer, they are drawn deep into the mystery behind her father’s disappearance, and they discover the centuries old truth behind their intense bond. Torn by a dangerous love triangle and haunted by a powerful secret that holds their fates, together they race against time to unravel their pasts in order to save their lives—and their futures.”
Cant wait to get my hands on the book!
larian sukol 2011 5.2km
sila teka saya dapat number berapa?
hah.. jawapannye 2!! timing 30: 24 kot,
will all the hills n gunung ganang. haha hiperbola sungguh.
the winner is sufi... 29 plus
i was 100m behind her when she crossed the finishing line..
jeles. huhu
takpe, im gonna train lagi today..
nak improve my timing..
last monday, i did interval..
100m fast stride, 100m walk, 100m fast stride, 100m walk..
ulang sebanyak 12 set..
huhu ponatt wehh..
today, tunggu en zahid bagi training lain plak..
hah.. jawapannye 2!! timing 30: 24 kot,
will all the hills n gunung ganang. haha hiperbola sungguh.
the winner is sufi... 29 plus
i was 100m behind her when she crossed the finishing line..
jeles. huhu
takpe, im gonna train lagi today..
nak improve my timing..
last monday, i did interval..
100m fast stride, 100m walk, 100m fast stride, 100m walk..
ulang sebanyak 12 set..
huhu ponatt wehh..
today, tunggu en zahid bagi training lain plak..
nasi kak wok
ok.. nak buat correction for the last entry..
nasi kak wok k, bukan nasik..
kerana apabila search nasiK with k, korang takkan jumpa di internet..
sila search k, n find kat luar..
sedapppppp uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
nasi kak wok k, bukan nasik..
kerana apabila search nasiK with k, korang takkan jumpa di internet..
sila search k, n find kat luar..
sedapppppp uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Saturday, February 5, 2011
nasik kak wok
nasik popular neh..
sedapp giloo..
first time make pagi takdi..
banyak ore tiru, tapi guno name
nasi ala kak wok..
nasi kak wokk sedapp..
sila cari di kb.. :)
bakpo la sero nak beli everything in the world??
cant make decision plop tuh, pah nak kna bli blako..
keno cari solution nih.. pese kalu shopping non-stop..
abah, mari la duit lagi.. hehe.. nak gi beli ko abah ni..
takdi g kbmall n pasar ct khadijah..
best! yay! x rajin g..
bakpo kecek klate ni weii??
cuz im in klate..
klate rocks!!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
double wtf
today is just so wrong.
u know i hate u.
just go away. u r already very far away
yet u still nak find way to come crawling to my life n my love one's life.
seriously. wtf.
u have ur own life, dont mess with mine.
cuz i dont mess with yours.
go cari tepi kain orang lain la untuk kau follow
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
oh noi!! my class was cancelled n i totally forgot!!
what a silly me.. i wrote it nice n big n bold in my calendar, yet i tak tengok pulak kan. bengong sungguh.
so, here i am, in the class.. with no lecturer n no other student.
saya patut berada di rumah dan mengemas rumah yang macam rumah ayam.
rumah ayam? owh, ayam is panggilan untuk my lil sis.. dulo2 panggil dia ayam, now jadi ayang.
manje la konon. cess..
now, im here. seorang diri. quite nice, rasa tenang. full of tranquility. ehehe
sebab this whole week i felt really preoccupied, extra hectic schedule.
baru start new semester, every is still not fully organize. n it's kinda stressed me out.
ceepat lakukan cubaan untuk hilangkan stress.
*berlari 5.6 km tanpa henti*
yes, all my stress is gone through the window.
pastu malam semalam penat tak hengat, went to sleep at 9.
imagine diri ini seorang bayi, memang bedtime yang tepat. haha
eh silap.. uweeekkkk uweekk
cuba buat sound of baby crying
macam orang vomit pulak. yuckk!
back to my state of calmness now..
really enjoying this.
nothing to do (actually, plenty to do, but whatev, lupakan buat seketika)
inhaling deeply...
the slow wind of airconditioner brushing on my skin..
(in malay: angin sepoi sepoi bahasa)
i close my eyes....
i mean, close my eyes, still conscious..
i pretty much love my life..
just that, i need a PA..
ok, anybody wants to be my PA,
but work pro-bono,
i will gladly accept.. ;p
random confession #1
1) i secretly wish that all financial accounting papers are as easy as maths.
so that i wont flunk it. i dont know whats wrong with my brain..
i am majoring in accounting, but i have no problem whatsoever with all other subjects..
the problem i have is in my accounts paper. wtf.
i read and read and read..
sometimes it just dont make sense..
of course not all lah.. but certain topics just bore me out..
thankfully my lecturer is the best ever..
this time around, im striving for an A.
otak oh otak, better kau fahamkan cepat2 ye..
so that i wont flunk it. i dont know whats wrong with my brain..
i am majoring in accounting, but i have no problem whatsoever with all other subjects..
the problem i have is in my accounts paper. wtf.
i read and read and read..
sometimes it just dont make sense..
of course not all lah.. but certain topics just bore me out..
thankfully my lecturer is the best ever..
this time around, im striving for an A.
otak oh otak, better kau fahamkan cepat2 ye..
Saturday, January 15, 2011
can i have this monday off please
i want this monday off.. can i?
i dont think im ready to go to class..
there are lotsa things to settle today n tomorrow...
huhu, i guess i'll just try my best to complete everyting on time..
my time management skills are in serious need of polishing..
i think i have ADD, attention deficit disorder.. haha
ada short attention span, xleh nak fokus sampai habis..
uh oh.. got to go..
got hundreds of things to do before monday!
wish me luck...
p/s: have u finished ur lollipop?
i dont think im ready to go to class..
there are lotsa things to settle today n tomorrow...
huhu, i guess i'll just try my best to complete everyting on time..
my time management skills are in serious need of polishing..
i think i have ADD, attention deficit disorder.. haha
ada short attention span, xleh nak fokus sampai habis..
uh oh.. got to go..
got hundreds of things to do before monday!
wish me luck...
p/s: have u finished ur lollipop?
Thursday, January 13, 2011
2011 first post
wei apsal lambat sangat? dah 13 hari bulan 1 k..
konon2 la korang tanye.. hahathis 2 weeks i was quite busy..
class has started.. n my tuition classes also has started..
ilove 2011.. there's lotsa things to be thankful for..
for instance
1) i won num4 in klang run 2011.. (cis, x abis2 pasal lari kau kan)
2) i got the best schedule ever! only 4days of classes per week
3) i bought the coolest printer (for me la) epson tx121 i think..
semua student sila beli, boleh scan things masuk fb or blog.. yay. will do later
4) somebody has found her extremely valuable missing things.
tapi i still lost my yellow mng purse..
kepada pencuri berkenaan : i know who u r, give me back all my stuff..
u menyusahkan i, n all of our friends who u have been stealing from.. enough with the fake friendly greetings..
dont ever come to my house. ever again.
this is specially written to u..)
ok, yang lain2 yang baik budiman, jangan terasa k.. i love u guys.. so much!
i memang tuju this post for this particular girl who cant stop her stealing habit. FO
so smua orang, jaga ur stuffs k
5)ok. sambung balik. i'm also thankful sbab my sis git superb result in pmr.
n i got not-so-superb result last sem. haha
thats it for now. im going to study.
konon2 la korang tanye.. hahathis 2 weeks i was quite busy..
class has started.. n my tuition classes also has started..
ilove 2011.. there's lotsa things to be thankful for..
for instance
1) i won num4 in klang run 2011.. (cis, x abis2 pasal lari kau kan)
2) i got the best schedule ever! only 4days of classes per week
3) i bought the coolest printer (for me la) epson tx121 i think..
semua student sila beli, boleh scan things masuk fb or blog.. yay. will do later
4) somebody has found her extremely valuable missing things.
tapi i still lost my yellow mng purse..
kepada pencuri berkenaan : i know who u r, give me back all my stuff..
u menyusahkan i, n all of our friends who u have been stealing from.. enough with the fake friendly greetings..
dont ever come to my house. ever again.
this is specially written to u..)
ok, yang lain2 yang baik budiman, jangan terasa k.. i love u guys.. so much!
i memang tuju this post for this particular girl who cant stop her stealing habit. FO
so smua orang, jaga ur stuffs k
5)ok. sambung balik. i'm also thankful sbab my sis git superb result in pmr.
n i got not-so-superb result last sem. haha
thats it for now. im going to study.
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